I have however encountered a few "hiccups" in my sweet boys' life that I am glad are over, or glad we survived! Ha! Like the diaper rash Luke had for 6 months!! I am not even exaggerating! If you ask my husband and me what one of the most stressful things about parenthood so far has been, that would take the cake! It was terrible. Nothing would make that stubborn rash go away and we were about to go mental. Literally. It was right in the midst of potty training, and we thought we would be stuck in that nightmare forever! I know we could have been in such a worse situation, but it was tough and I am SO glad it is over!
Also the time recently when Cody fell and hit his eye on the toy trunk and got a black eye. Ya, not my favorite moment and I wish it never happened! But these type of moments happen and it's all the joys of raising boys and everyday life!
What made me think of this today, was the fact that I dragged both boys into a store today, and as we were walking in Luke was seriously crying because he did not want to go in. " I don't want to go to Big Lots, I don't want to go to Big Lots." were the words coming out of his mouth as we were walking.( I just needed a rug, for Pete's sake!) There was a lady walking in behind us and she said, "Oh it's starting already, a typical male not wanting to shop." I laughed and said, "Ya, it's starting already." she then said, "Enjoy it, your going to miss this. Mine is 18 and moved away and I miss it." I smiled and said, "I will." As I continued through the store I was thinking that I hoped I didn't look like I wasn't enjoying my time with my boys. As much as I didn't want Luke to be throwing a fit, I spoke with him about his tantrum and we moved on. That moment wasn't our best, but it was a learning experience for both of us. Every day is a learning experience. I hope I don't ever look or act as if I am wishing any moments away.
I am glad I was reminded of this today. Slow down and enjoy every stage of life, Because one day, I will be that lady that tells a young mom to "enjoy every stage because it goes fast." At the time you shrug it off and think that all these early mornings and midnight feedings will last forever.
But they don't and I will miss it.I know that for a fact.
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