Friday, January 31, 2014

January Memorable Mallaire Moments....

It's super late and this mama is TIRED!! But I wanted to end this month with a review of some of the most memorable Mallaire moments in January....

1. To start off the month I was super excited about a Christmas present my dad got me this year....a Starbucks coffee tumbler that allowed for one { ha, there were a few days I got two} free espresso coffee drink each day in January. It was glorious!!! I would just take my tumbler, tell them what I wanted and voilĂ  my free drink was ready! It became my morning {and sometimes afternoon} ritual to go get my coffee. Luke even liked our little ritual. I would take him each day and I knew the minute I rolled up to the Starbucks drive-thru he would ask me to roll his window down too! The only problem now is come tomorrow, I won't get it free any more....boohoo!! #butgoodformypregnancyweightthathasstuckaround #longesthashtagever

2. We spent New Years day at my dads house spending time with family! It was nice to just hang out and have a yummy dinner! I honestly don't know what I would do without my family!

3. I spent a lot of time with my hubby this month. He got 7 weeks off of work when Cody was born, so we got some good quality family time in! Now I miss him like crazy. Going from one child to two is no joke! I love it, but it's not for the weak {Is that the saying?} He's back at work now, and I seem to want wine a lot more at the end of each night ;) {Totally kidding...sorta}

4. Luke started soccer! Something you may not know about me is how much I love sports! I grew up watching my brother play sports, I played sports and I love to watch sports {except for golf, I just can't do it!}so when we found out about a little sports program that starts at his age we were game! It's actually not really "soccer" it's more of how well can you follow directions{which after week one, I realized I need to spend a little more time with Luke on}and some fun soccer skill games! He loves it and can't wait for Saturdays to roll around so he can go to soccer! I love watching him and my sports loving, mama heart is happy this time has finally come! T-ball is up next! :)

5. Cody turned 1 month old! How the heck did that happen? Time really does fly by! He's growing like crazy and I adore that boy SO much!

Well, there they are, 5 memorable Mallaire Moments of January! Probably not super exciting to you, but things that I want to always remember!

Here's to starting a new month of my most favorite months of the year!{any guesses why?}



Thursday, January 30, 2014

The start of a new journey...

Hello! {I honestly sat here for like 10 minutes trying to figure out what a good greeting would be to start this...that's all I came up with. Pretty good right?!}

Here I am starting my second blog today. I started my first blog back in 2008 when my husband {who was just my boyfriend at the time}had just gotten back from Afghanistan. I wrote through the journey of our engagement, wedding, my first pregnancy and the birth of our first son {and a bunch of stuff in between :)} I enjoyed writing and it really became sort of Luke's "baby book". Well life got busy and needless to say, my blog got the back burner. Don't get me wrong, I somehow still had the time to read all of my favorite blogs, but heaven forbid I update my own blog! Anyways.... Here I am the start of a new year and I had the itch to start completely over. Yes, I could have just continued to write on my other blog, but I really needed something fresh to start with. Like a clean slate! Oh and I had another baby boy in between all the craziness! So here I am {I am pretty sure I have said that about 4 times already} ready to share "The Joys of Raising Boys." {if you feel the urge, my previous blog was}

Let me introduce myself {Because I have such a fan base already ;)}

I am a 20 something wife, mama and teacher. I have been with my handsome husband for over 10 years, married almost 5 of those years! We go married on February 28th, 2009. We had our first baby boy, Lucas {Luke} on March 17th, 2011. He is my sweet little lucky St. Patrick's day babe! He is now almost 3 and as sweet/crazy/adorable/stubborn/energetic as ever! We also have a 6 week old baby boy, Cody who joined our family on December 9, 2013! My boys are my world! They helped make me a mama and I am so very grateful! When I am not playing mama{who am I kidding I am always mama} I am a 2nd grade teacher. It's almost like being a mom to 28 adorable{sometimes} kiddos. I have been teaching for 4 years and have had a pretty rocky teaching experience. My first two years were pure craziness and my last two years have been much better! My heart will ALWAYS be at home with my boys though.Yes, teaching is rewarding, and yes, I get "summer's off" but let me tell ya, most of the summer is spent thinking about your classroom, plus summer trainings, plus spending hours and hours prepping for the next year, summers are not really spent "off." Teaching is hard and exhausting! If you think otherwise, I will gladly trade jobs with you for a week and then we can talk :)!

 I have lived in Arizona for most of my life. I moved around a bit when I was younger, but consider Arizona as home! Both my husband and my families live here and we are so thankful for that! Both of our parents are literally 5 minutes away! I get the itch to live near the ocean, but am pretty sure that will just be a "dream" more than a reality anytime soon! I am okay with that! With that said, I LOVE the ocean! The feel of the sand in my toes and the sound of the waves crashing down is pure bliss for me! If you ever want to take me on a vacation with you, the beach is where it's at! I have a true love and passion for photography. If I could snap my fingers and be anything that I wanted to be {besides a mama and wife} I would want to be a photographer. My sweet husband bought me my first "big girl" camera probably 5ish years ago and I love it! But, I don't spend nearly as much time taking pictures as you would think a person that loved it so much would! Sadly my good ole iPhone and instagram get more love from me than my camera. I also love to read{give me a good book and I have a hard time putting it down, {and becoming emotionally attached to the characters} shop, hang out with my family, grow deeper in my faith in Jesus, spending time with my girlfriends and Starbucks. {those aren't in any particular order ;) My faith and my family will always be the most important aspects of my life!

Here are just a few pics of my little family:

My new little family of 4

Cody, born Dec. 9, 2013


Lucas {Luke}, born March 17, 2011

Me and my hubby on our wedding day! {2/28/09}

Well I am going to stop there. One thing I learned from having my other blog is sometimes keeping it short and sweet is a better way to go!{not that this is short by all means} So often I would not even blog because I felt like I didn't have enough to say, but honestly, sometimes less is more! I know that when I am reading other people's blogs, if they write too much sometimes I lose a bit of interest. So here is to my new blog and to hopefully writing more on this journey of raising my boys! :)



P.S. the blog has a lot more details coming soon! I just really wanted to get my first post published before my boys leave for college :)