Now that we have Facebook and Instagram, I tend to put the blog on the back burner because those are so much quicker to update. I do know that I will be sad if I can't make a "baby" book like I did for Luke, for Cody! with that said. I need to rewind.....
Here it is from the beginning { As readers you may not really care, but I want to remember this}.....
On April 2nd, 2013 I found out I was pregnant with my sweet Cody boy! I had a feeling that I was pregnant and really wanted to take the test on April 1 {April Fools day} but I waited one more day for the 2nd. I got two positive tests and was SO excited! I was a little nervous because I was so afraid of our family dynamic changing. Crazy I know, but my sweet Luke was my entire world, how was I supposed to love someone as much as I loved him {ha! boy was I wrong :)}
I went into my first appointment at about 7 weeks. This was a new doctor and office, so I was a little nervous but it all worked out great. They had a little ultrasound machine in the room and we got to see sweet baby C's {we obvi. didn't know what the sex was, but we had a C name picked out either way} little heartbeat and a small little blob on the screen. Luke was there too and he just kept saying, "a baby!" it was too cute. I again was a little nervous because sometimes you can't get a heartbeat that early and I knew with my sensitive mama heart I would have worried like crazy until our next appointment if we had not heard or found a heartbeat. Cody and Luke have a baby brother or sister in heaven that I can't wait to meet one day, but because of that I have the fear of something happening early on {heck who am I kidding, I always worry}when I am pregnant. Luke is our sweet Rainbow baby! :)
The weeks and months started going pretty quickly, maybe because it is the second pregnancy and it's not all brand new, but the next 9 months flew by! Each doctors appointment went great and I generally felt pretty good! I had the usual aches and pains, but for working full time and taking care of a 2 year old, I was doing pretty well!
We did end up finding out the sex around 16 weeks. We went to one of those private ultrasound places that can tell you earlier than your doctors office. I for some reason really thought we were going to have a girl. With Luke I was SO sick all day long. Worse during the day time, but really was just nauseous all day. With baby C, I felt crummy all day, but I felt worse towards the late afternoon into the evenings/nighttime. So thinking that I was sick different times of the day and just the way I felt, a part of me thought we were having a girl. Nick thought it was a boy from the very beginning. He always said we will have two boys and then a girl. We also had a bet on what we were having. He bet boy, I bet girl. Whoever was right got to pick the middle name!
We had a small gender reveal dinner at my in-laws house right after our ultrasound at 16 weeks. We had the ultrasound tech write it out on a paper and put it in a sealed envelope so we couldn't see it. We then went to the grocery store and asked the floral department to blow up either blue balloons or pink balloons and put them in a large black trash bag. We walked away while they did that { And can I just add that the ladies at the store doing this were SO cute. They couldn't believe that they knew before we did and were having a great time doing this!} we came back to a big trash bag with all different colors of string holding the balloons so we wouldn't suspect a certain gender based on the balloon strings. They even stuffed paper towels at the top of the bag so we couldn't peek :) We then went to my in-laws house and with a few family members we took off the trash bag and a bunch of BLUE balloons were revealed! As much as I would have loved having a girl. I was honestly just or if not more as excited at the thought of another boy! I knew boy. I knew what being a boy mama was like and I really loved the thought of having my two boys!! :) Plus we already had all the stuff! Win! I honestly didn't have to buy much. Between having all of Luke's stuff, and my sister since had a boy, we were pretty covered. The only things I really needed were some colder weather jammies and things like that since he was going to be a December baby!
I will continue with my pregnancy journey tomorrow...I have a sweet 6 MONTH old baby now and a 3 year old that need some attention!